Instagram growth leads to powerhouse influencer marketing position

This month Instagram announced that it hit the 1 billion mark of monthly active users, making it a powerhouse of the influencer marketing industry. The photo-sharing app has seen a meteoric rise since being acquired in 2012 by Facebook, proving that it has the power to become a global dominator of brand exposure.

If you are not currently taking advantage of Instagram’s worldwide fan base, you should be. With over 200 million more active users a month since last September, Instagram has become a mainstay of the influencer market. Whatever your brand focus, Instagram influencers can help you tell your brand’s story to audiences across the world.


Audiences look to their favorite Instagram influencers to give advice on everything from how to live well to travel choices and parenting tips. Don’t underestimate the value an influencer’s audience can have on your brand. Instagram users have loyal followings of fans that take their posts and suggestions to heart. Given the app’s astronomic rise in recent years, there should be no question of whether or not you will include Instagram in your influencer marketing efforts. When it comes to brand awareness, building trust in your company, and audience exposure, Instagram is a clear win.